Loisaida Festival 2023

Stephanie will be vending at the 2023 Loisaida Festival Sunday May 28th 2023, 12pm-5pm, hawking her literary goods. This is a great chance to see the plethora of the mediums I work in, that have deep roots in Puerto Rican-Nuyorican culture.

Zines that disrupt Latinx brand loyalty, zines that tease, zines that mourn.

Anthologies like Speculative Fiction for Dreamers, which has the 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize winning story, “Jean”.

Comics, yo!

My artists’ book, The Funeral Singer.

Of course I have to have the stylish Tracy168 “Watch Out For Wormholes” t-shirts. And pins and stickers)….

Stop by to say hi, save on shipping costs, talk to me about astrophysics… If I’m not at my table: listen out for music. Look to your left and right. I’m probably dancing, just call me back.

Loisaida Center 
9th Street & Avenue C 
Lower East Side, Manhattan NYC

(646) 726-4715


“+50 Artisans, makers and creatives.
+30 Local and City-wide organizations.
+10 food vendors & merchants.
+15,000 visitors every year!”