The Toronto Comic Arts Festival


I look forward to more announcements on my MPH world meeting my comics/graphic novel hat: TCAF attendees, don’t miss this panel Health (S)Care: Personal and Global Perspectives – 4:00 PM EST
Live. Thursday May 13th 2021. Features COVID Chronicles: A Comics Anthology.

“There has perhaps been no other time in recent history where our health care has been brought to the forefront of our consciousness as during the COVID-19 pandemic. This panel explores health care narratives and the anxieties we face around health care issues both from personal and global perspectives. Glen Downey (Chair of Strategic Thinking with The York School) talks to Mandi and Hana Kujawa, mother and daughter collaborative team behind A Slug Story, about drawing inspiration from their personal experience involving a serious brain injury as a side-effect of a virus and subsequent hospitalization. Publisher of Graphic Mundi, Kendra Boileau, along with artist Maureen Burdock, also join the discussion by looking at excerpts from COVID Chronicles an anthology that examines all the ways large and small that COVID-19 has affected everyone from essential workers to parents juggling working from home while homeschooling.”